Weekly Meditation – Genesis 21:1-7


April 3, 2022

God’s word provides clear instruction to His children. As we meditate on His Word, we find exactly what we need to continue our journey through this life.

This week, our passage for meditation is Genesis 21:1-7.

The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. 2 She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. 3 And Abraham named their son Isaac. 4 Eight days after Isaac was born, Abraham circumcised him as God had commanded. 5 Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born.

6 And Sarah declared, “God has brought me laughter. All who hear about this will laugh with me. 7 Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse a baby? Yet I have given Abraham a son in his old age!”

Genesis 21:1-7 NLT


Approaching the word of God for meditation requires us to pause (the creation of space).

  • Create an environment to reduce interruption of thought.
  • Grab some resources, like different bible versions or commentaries.
  • Quiet your thoughts in order to receive God’s wisdom and instruction.

How happy is the one who does not walk in the advice of the wicked

or stand in the pathway with sinners or sit in the company of mockers!

Instead, his delight is in the LORD’s instruction,

and he meditates on it day and night.

He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season and whose leaf does not wither.

Whatever he does prospers.

Psalm 1:1-3


Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of God-inspired scripture. It is through Your word that I am able to gain heavenly instruction. God, use this meditation time to impart Your wisdom into my spirit. Teach me more about who You are, Lord. Show me how to become a better image bearer and shine Your light into this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

*This is a prayer starter. Feel free to modify as the Spirit leads you.


  • Review the passage.
    • Explore the context.
      • Who was the author? Who was the original audience?
      • When was it written? Are there any historical events taking place?
      • What is the overall message of this book of the bible?
    • Explore the language.
      • Review different translations.
      • Are there any themes in the language?
      • Review cross references from different areas of the bible.
    • Explore further.
      • Review trusted commentaries.
      • Where does this story fit into the bigger story of redemption?
      • What principles are found in the passage?
  • Listen for God’s wisdom.
  • Examine your takeaways.
  • Look for ways to apply what you have learned.


As your meditation time begins to wrap up, honor God through prayer and praise for new insights and wisdom from His Heavenly Kingdom.

S. Enoch

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