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mens devotional

find your way around

white wooden door

When God shows you the door, walk through it…

We do not work in our own time. God has an appointed time for everything and that is not up to us to decide. When he opens a door, even if you are afraid, walk through knowing that the same God who brought you to the door, will take you through the door.

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Life in the Fast Lane

Fasting is not transactional. When we enter a fast there is usually at least one thing on our mind that we are praying for. For some it is answers to any of life’s many problems but for others it is physical things. God I need a home, or a car, or more money and while all of those things are reasonable asks, sometimes our desired method for obtaining these things is a little off.

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green fern leaf

Total Trust

how are your spiritual roots doing? We all look good on the outside and we have smiles and seem happy but we all have challenges that aren’t always visible but can weigh very heavy on us. Being rooted in God’s word helps us to navigate through what is weighing us down spiritually. 

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Magnifying God’s Voice

Eli just happened to be sandwiched between these two realities. This week I urge you to look at the connections in your life, do they magnify or minimize the voice of God in your life?

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The Power in Building Community

When you think of the word community what comes to mind? Most people would say that it is the area that you live in which, of course, is a correct answer. This word came to mind as I was preparing to make remarks at my god-daughter’s dedication this past weekend.  As I was looking through definitions I came across one that stuck out to me. The second definition in the Oxford dictionary says

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Are we too important for God?

I really love when God gives confirmation of words I have written in my post or even just words that I have received sitting under teaching. Last week I wrote about idols, and I finished up by saying that we should be giving God our time, talents, and treasure. Last time we talked about time and this week we will discuss our talents. I published that on Friday morning and

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